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  • Writer's pictureAZEN BENDERSKY

Second Semester and Capstone

Going into the last semester of high school for me, I want to end it in a good way. How exactly I do that I'm not sure, but I know that I want to finish off senior year being able to look back on my year and feel satisfied with what I accomplished. I want to keep my grades up and to continue to meet new people and spend time with more friends.

For the capstone project I think there is a difference between products that are made for profit and products that are made to help people, but there is also not that much separation. In the end of the day, everything is made for profit no matter what the reason for making the product was. Products made for assisting people will usually be more useful and better at their job, whereas products made for profit tend to cut corners to reach their goal. A product that is used for profit would be something like air pods or headphones, and product made for assisting people would be something like a heart monitor.

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